A review by artisticallyreading
The Revolution of Birdie Randolph by Brandy Colbert


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"With a name like Dove, you got to fly."

This story follows sixteen-year-old Dove "Birdie" Randolph, who strives to be the perfect daughter for her parents. She studies hard, gets good grades, and always follows the rules. However, she meets and falls for this boy named Booker who she keeps a secret, knowing her parents won't approve of their relationship due to his troubled past.

Birdie's estranged aunt, Carlene, shows up one day after just getting out of rehab for substance abuse and addiction. Even though Birdie starts sensing some tension among her parents, and Carlene, she starts developing a close relationship with her aunt. That leads to Birdie wanting to take control of her life, and make a few choices she knows her parents won't approve of.

This YA novel is one that talks about so many relevant, and important topics such as Racism, Substance Abuse, Alcoholism, Anger Management, and many more!

While Birdie is the main character she doesn't completely outshine all of the characters, like a lot of YA books do.

I felt like I knew each and every character, with what they were feeling and going through. And, I'm personally someone who really enjoys a character-driven story more than a plot-driven one. However, I did feel like the plot was lacking a little and it was a little too simple for me. So if you're someone who doesn't enjoy a simpler plot, beware.

This book was being pitched for fans of Nina La Cour and Nicola Yoon. I have yet to read a book by Nina La Cour, but I definitely think the romance in this novel has a Nicola Yoon vibe.

I highly recommend this book if you like YA contemporary.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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