A review by emilovelyangel11
Not Here to Be Liked by Michelle Quach


Eliza, the female main character does not care whether she is liked, so her actions and thoughts could be perceived as unlikeable and imperfect, making her feel more realistic to the reader, in my case. I found there were some words used in the book that was kind of complicated for me to understand, but I think it gave personality to the characters, since they were very knowledgeable. The enemies to lovers trope between Eliza and Len also felt like a closer depiction of real romantic relationships that are played out that way, which made this book unique from those that I’ve read. Another major theme is feminism and sexism, which I have been educated on after reading, since it talks about the difference between women and men not only in a school community, but also in society in general. Overall, I really liked it and there were many parts where I related to Eliza, as my parents are from Chinese background - like the ‘make sure to dry your hair before bed’ part.