A review by writing_inthemountains
Keep It Shut: What to Say, How to Say It, and When to Say Nothing at All by Karen Ehman


Weird approach for a book not because of the subject, because that was pretty interesting but it was kinda off making all those Bible connections. Not bad but too much. I have my own opinion on politics, religion and so on, I don’t judge anyone but you have to be super fucking bold to write a self help book working on the spine of religion because many, like me maybe, wouldn’t trust you on anything you say mainly because how you choosed to say it.

What this book teached me is that you should shut up sometimes, not anyone needs your opinion and you don’t need to say your opinion to people that don’t matter, or anyone for that matter because people are easily offended, easy to hurt and they are easy on producing bad vibes. Mainly because they are insecure but that’s another story.

This book made me to listen, listen and support and praise the people I care about. You are not the smartest person out there, so why would love to hear yourself talking about yourself and your opinions on and on? And even if you are the smartest, aren’t other people more interesting? Isn’t it more interesting to actually find out who the person that shares his life with you is like? Maybe he is more amazing and good than you, maybe he can teach you something or maybe he just needs to be heard. You didn’t think about that did you?

Important people to you need to be appreciated by you. Fuck those degrees and all that “omg I wanna be famous” bullshit. How about being supportive for the little things? Maybe your soulmate had a good day, maybe he smoked one less of a cigar, that’s an accomplishment for some people. Not all of us want to be the elite, the best degrees and not just having one, make it two degrees or four or five. This speech is coming from that person who has all the degrees and couldn’t praise less than an elitist.

That shit stops now. Praise, listen to and be there for the persons you care about, that’s important.

Sometimes just shut the F up and live, be happy, be there for some and for your self.

Even based on a christian approach, this book fucking did it’s job on a perfect note.