A review by thegeekyblogger
A Borrowed Scot by Karen Ranney


Received for Review
Actual Rating 2.75

What I Loved: Veronica was an interesting leading lady. There were things I didn't like about her but one of the things I LOVED about her was that she gave as well as she got. If Montgomery ignored her, she ignored him back. If he was being mean, snide, or dismissive; she would call him on his actions. I appreciate in historicals when women are written with backbone!

What I Liked: I really enjoyed the flying machine creation being Montgomery's passion. I am always interested in what things make a character tick. Since I truly felt like he was always trying to get away from something (during the course of the book) what better way to do it than to be miles above everyone else. It would truly be the best place to hide from everything.

Complaints: This book was well written but I just never connected with the story. I didn't like Montgomery much until the last 3 chapters and by then it was a little late for me to care about their love story. I thought the detail and historical elements were fantastically done and loved the information about the society in the back. I just wanted a better connection to the romance.

Why I gave it a 2.75: This is a romance novel and I wanted to want the two main characters to get together. However, at most I thought Montgomery was to stand offish and that Veronica was just stuck. The last 3 chapters I came to like them as a couple but that was a little to late.

Who I would recommend this too: Historical Romance readers. I have actually heard the other 2 books in the series are fantastic so please check them out.