A review by bookishkate28
Night of the Witch by Sara Raasch, Beth Revis


Where to start? Well, first off, I devoured this book. Fritzi is a witch who grieves the loss of her entire coven. Otto is a skeptical witch hunter who is operates under the cruel instruction of Dieter Kirch, seeking to destroy all witches for the glory of the Catholic Church. The story was seeped in history and lore; it was so well researched. Then we get these characters that bridge into the fantasy of the story…I just loved every minute of reading this book. With an evenly matched dual perspective, we get insights to the FMC and MMC. They are so lovable and tender, while the big bad is…whoa. Bad. You know that unsettling way that Christoph Waltz of playing calm, controlled characters…and they just crawl under your skin? Yeah. Those were the vibes I got from the big bad. Incredible!
