A review by charlie548
42: The Wildly Improbable Ideas of Douglas Adams by Douglas Adams, Kevin Jon Davies

Did not finish book. Stopped at 39%.
Douglas Adams is great, but I don't think the people who compiled this book did a good job. They've in included all his handwritten notes, so I had to spend ages squinting and trying to decipher all this spidery handwriting with bits crossed out and rearranged. Some of it is transcribed neatly, but not all of it. And there was one point where I got through three pages of it, and then found that it was transcribed on the next page, and all that effort was wasted. They could have put the neat text first. Most of the book isn't like that though.

I also thought a lot of it was boring, like random university essays and school reports. There were some funny sketches and stuff that he wrote though.