A review by readermonica
What a Lady Needs for Christmas by Grace Burrowes


In What A Lady Needs for Christmas a marriage arranged out of desperation and convenience blooms into much more than what Dante and Joan could have hoped for. The daughter of a marquess, Joan knows that she is expected to marry well. However, after being deceived by a man she thought that she could trust Joan finds herself compromised and the only solution is a quick marriage. Dante is her solution, but he will not be the easiest of men to get along with. Dante doesn't have much faith in people and wants a second marriage that will bring connections and new opportunities for his business. Dante has a young family of his own and a wife from a good family will be a help to his children as well. The arrangement solves problems for both Dante and Joan but transforms into something more. Dante and Joan develop an understanding and appreciation for talents and interests that they both share. Respect and admiration becomes a romance that neither dared hope for.

What A Lady Needs for Christmas was an enjoyable historical romance set during the holiday season. Well developed main characters and enjoyable secondary characters made for a great read. Grace Burrows knows how to weave a historical romance with relatable characters and descriptive scenery. What A Lady Needs for Christmas is a holiday read that can be enjoyed any time of year!

**I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.**

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