A review by labunnywtf
Cold Days by Jim Butcher


We're all in this south-bound hand basket together.

I'm never in a rush to read this series. And I'm always surprised that I enjoy them. I'm in it for the Marsters voice, even though I've started listening to audiobooks at 1.5 speed (your brain adjusts pretty quickly).

I didn't much care for this one at the start. Harry has gotten himself into yet another impossible to escape situation, being the Winter Knight to a crazy evil fairy queen. Yada yada yada, now we're just supposed to wait around and see how long it takes him to get out of it, like he always does.

And in the meantime, 18 different apocalypses* are happening all at once, and he's the only one who can do anything about them. So, you know. That's all going to be taken care of in this book while setting up the apocalypses that will occur in book 15.

I really don't understand why I like these books so much. That sounds AWFUL. These are great books, they really are. They're so far removed from my genre preference, there's so much damsel-in-distress saving and too many pinches of misogyny (delicate pinches, but they're there). But I really, really do enjoy these books.

I did not see the little twists at the end coming. I saw quite clearly what was going on with the Nemesis, but the Winter and Summer ladies, I did not. Major kudos on that front, I am very interested in seeing how that plays out. Very interesting to see that the events of these books has been linked in this way, almost makes me want to do a series re-read. Maybe I will once I get to the last published book.

I probably won't, but it's a fun idea.

Very good. Looking forward to the next book. 2019, maybe.

Oh, almost forgot. Thank you, Butcher, for the Firefly reference. And thank you, James, for the voice of Toot-Toot and the other fairies. We got massive doses of all the fairy voices and that never. gets. old.

* I pronounce that with the end sounding like elipses, if anyone's curious.