A review by user613
Calamity Jack by Nathan Hale, Shannon Hale, Dean Hale


This is a completely different book than [b:Rapunzel's Revenge|2626492|Rapunzel's Revenge (Rapunzel's Revenge, #1)|Shannon Hale|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1421704442l/2626492._SX50_.jpg|2651193], despite being the second in the series.
This had an urban setting, and more of a sci-fi or steampunk feel to it, than fantasy. There were giants, man-eating huge ants, and a (near) love-triangle.

Just because you liked the previous book does not mean you will like this one. I didn’t enjoy it so much, and am not sure I’d read a third book, if one came out.

A kiss. Talk of giants and ants eating people, crushing their bones, and throwing them to their deaths.