A review by chubbyromancereader
24690 by Alaska Angelini, A.A. Dark


Mind-blowing depravity!

I consider myself a lover of the dark and twisted but NOTHING and I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING could have prepared me for 24690. To say it’s depraved is putting it MILDLY. For those that see a warning and think it won’t be that bad, I can assure you that you’ll want to heed that warning. I’m not saying it to scare you off because if you’re a lover of the dark like I am 24690 will sink it’s claws in you and tear you apart while you’re reading. Everleigh, or Slave 24690 as she’s mainly called, goes through some of the most unimaginable things you can think of and I can’t help but love her for how she deals with it. AA took me through so many emotions and definitely shocked me when there were turns I didn’t expect. It does end on a cliffhanger, but the second part in the series is out so you can find out what the heck happens after the end of 24690! I can’t even put how I truly feel into words and I can’t think of a better way a book should leave a reader feeling.