A review by ameserole
Ensnared by A.G. Howard


Okay, so the first part of this book was actually pretty interesting. Then I got to the second part and I was kind of bored. A lot did happen though and I don't know if I will ever recover from some of it but all in all it was an okay book for this series. Well, I guess each book in this series was just okay since I've rated them all 3 stars. They were likable to a point but I doubt I will remember them later on in life or a year from now.

I will say that Ensnared went into great detail to make the father a very interesting character. His whole life was a fun little mystery to solve if I'm being honest here. To learn about his true identity and all that jazz did make me want to keep reading to see how this was all going to end.

Other than that, the love triangle seemed pointless to me. I just don't understand why Jeb is in this one. Or any of the books now because he didn't do anything. I mean, yeah, he was helpful for like a hot minute for some dumb reason but other than that - he didn't need to be there. Someone could've mentioned him and I would have been fine. But seeing him? Made zero sense to me.

As for the ending, ehhhh it was okay. Like I said earlier - this book was just okay. The epilogue was nice but at that point I was just happy that I finished this series. I might dive into the novella just to get it out of the way.. but I also might move on with my life and forget about it.