A review by mccorbin
Rock Chick Reckoning by Kristen Ashley


This story from the Rock Chick series is different from all the others. Stella and Mace had a lot more angst than the other characters coupling because of their tormented past between each other and their past in general. Because of this angst, it was harder for me to connect with their love in the beginning. I felt their lust for each other, I felt their want for each other but when the moment hit when their love for each other was exposed, oh my! To see hard, demon filled Mace finally let his walls down and let Stella in made me joyous. I feel that Stella and Mace was a couple that really had to work hard for their relationship and love to be strong compared to the other Rock Chick couples. This made Rock Chick Reckoning a more heart-breaking read. Totally worth the heart-break!

I liked how KA brought the other couples POVs in to this plot. Instead of the story focusing on the troubles of Mace and Stella only, all Rock Chick couples were in danger and as a reader, I got to read mostly from Stella POV but I got read from the others character’s POV. This was a nice twist in the plot because the men were ready to lay low to protect their loved ones (and you get to read why they decide this) but when it came time for action, a war started and fury was let loose. I also like experiencing how the other couples perceived Stella and Mace together; how they slowly witnessed Mace open up.

Another great story from KA.