A review by frantasticmissfox
Apeshit by Carlton Mellick III


This book started really well for me. The story was already fairly obvious which kinds of teen slashers it was going to be spoofing and the characters were breaking all the stereotypes of the horror movie group of teens. I was sold. However, as the story progressed further I felt like I wanted a refund. The story remained entertaining throughout but not necessarily in a good way. More in a 'oh my god, what the fuck?' kind of way. Which, I guess means the author still did their job but the more crazy and random and 'shocking' it got, the less interested I actually became. By the end I was just skimming most of it because I was bored. Bored? Of a book that has people with weird sexual fetishes, a girl with her intestines hanging out for most of the book, one twist and turn and surprise in nearly every moment? Yes! Because it became too much. Do you know when things become less shocking and interesting? When they're over done. That was what happened with this book, in my opinion. It was all too much. There was too much wedged into this one story. You know how so many people complained about Spiderman 3 because they thought there were too many villains in it? Well, that's how I felt about this book. There were too many random plot points and rather than adding to the story, they took away from it. I am aware that this is bizarro fiction and having a lot of weirdness in it comes with the territory. I get that. I usually love that. However, I feel like it works best when they take one weird concept and just run with that. Clogging it up with too many other things doesn't make the story funnier or more interesting, it just takes away any impact that the rest may have. The plots used in this book could've been split into at least 3 or 4 different books which would've all worked probably quite well as their own concepts but when combined, rather than creating some super powered up story of awesome it becomes a big mess of average.

It still managed to stay at 2 stars and didn't fall down to 1 because there were parts of it that I found amusing and entertaining and the beginning was done so well. Even for all my complaining and the fact that I got bored with parts of it, I still carried on reading it because it did hook me in and for that it deserves to stay at 2 stars.