A review by jordansbookescape
Theogony and Works and Days by Hesiod


I am not a fan of Hesiod. I realized this last year when I was supposed to read this for class. Needless to say, I didn't do it. But, as a classics major, I felt like I needed to read this even if I hated it.

Theogony wasn't too bad. I love genealogy and learning about the gods, so with the help of those I was somewhat able to ignore Hesiod's arrogance. However, I was not able to do the same when reading Works and Days. I can only take so much hatred towards women before I have to quit the book. I skimmed the majority of Works and Days and that's okay with me.

I wasn't a fan of this translation nor the format. Hesiod's voice doesn't work well in prose. Overall, I don't like Hesiod, but I'm glad I can finally say I've read his works.