A review by sarahs_bookish_life
The Night Whispers by Caroline Mitchell


This is the second book in the crime series featuring Detective Sarah Noble of which would highly recommend you read in order as a lot of what happened in the previous novel, The Midnight Man, is mentioned in this one. It’s also a brilliant book and not to be missed!

I love that quite a few of the characters from the first novel, are heavily featured in this one also. Elliot especially I was pleased to see as I haven’t stopped thinking about him from the last book so was good to be able to catch up with them and see how they were doing after the horrors of The Midnight Man.

I actually didn’t think the author would be able to top the start to this series but she has. Whilst these maybe crime thrillers, there is an element of horror to them also. Mentions of children with black eyes spooked me out and have to say it probably wasn’t the best thing to read before going to bed as couldn’t get the image of them out of my head!

The Night Whispers is a cleverly plotted story that guarantees to hook the reader from the chilling start. It’s like when you get onto one of those roller coasters where you try and prepare yourself for it picking up speed and the hair raising twists and turns that lie ahead, only for it to shoot off at full force. Wow, what a ride the author took me on! This series is turning out to be one of the most thrilling as well as chilling that I have read in this genre. One to most definitely read with the lights on!

My thanks to Embla Books and NetGalley for an advanced readers copy of this book. All opinions are my own and not biased in anyway.