A review by nicklelove
Phantom by Laura DeLuca


Originally posted in Night Owl Reads

The first time I heard about Phantom of the Opera was when the movie came out in 2004, and I wasn't interested in it thinking that it was too serious or just wasn't my type. Four years later, I decided to watch it and ended up loving it! I was singing the songs from the movie for months, and even now I would still belt out to it from time to time. I know it doesn't compare much to seeing it in live theatre or reading the original novel, but still, I loved it! That's why I signed up for this tour.

It starts off like a typical high school story, Rebecca is a shy girl who tries out for the school play instead of playing in the orchestra like she usually does, and ends up bagging the lead role. Everything changed when she snags the role of Christine. Suddenly, like in the story of Phantom, she finds herself in the middle of a love triangle between the cool surfer dude and the wiccan goth who resembles the Phantom himself.

What seems to be a harmless high school affair turns dark when a mysterious stalker sends threatening notes to Rebecca and accidents keep on happening on stage, someone even ended up dead. The mystery behind the stalker kept me guessing and the revelation totally came as a surprise. Although I guessed it right, I was clueless as to what the motives of this person was. I was not expecting it to end that way, but it did feel like watching a slasher film from the 90s.

As for choosing sides, well, I didn't really like Tom in the first place. He only noticed Rebecca when he heard her sing, his attraction is superficial, in my opinion. I'm team Lord Justyn all the way, even if he is, as they say, creepy vampire freak.

I enjoyed reading this book and it made me want to watch The Phantom of the Opera again. Maybe I'll read the book one of these days too (I wish I had time for it). I found a copy of the performance at the Royal Albert Hall in 2011 and I can't wait to see that version.

I also like the idea of a popular story reflecting what's happening in your life. We are all fans of something and at some point we dream of being part of a fictional world. If you could choose a story, (be it a movie, a book, or a tv show), to happen/reflect in your life, what would it be?