A review by sydneyshoulders
The Essential Marcus Aurelius by John Piazza, Jacob Needleman


This book was not eye opening the way I expected it to be. It was rather plain, and told me things that I feel like I’ve already known to do or not do. I should focus on myself and not be concerned with the affairs of others, bear the burdens that the universe has placed upon me, and strive to be the best person I can. That’s all this book really said truthfully. The beauty in it was how Aurelius expressed himself and how he reached these conclusions as to how to conduct himself in life. He views human nature not as a set of behaviors but as a realm of potential. Any and all problems we have are capable of being solved, otherwise we never could have had them in the first place. The only problems we can’t solve are the ones we don’t see or are aware of. But, to Aurelius, the awareness is the gift that differentiates us from other things. And to act upon that awareness by being a good person regardless of external perception is how we can all be “good” if such a thing even exists.

I really think it’s the ultimate self help book. It’s so simple and obvious but, for some reason, feels so profound. I think it’s because a lot of us are so washed up in the sea of public opinion that there is no idle time to focus on “the soul” in the way that Aurelius argues for. Or those attempts are feeble and performative at best.

I’m not completely sold on stoicism as a whole because I see the potential for it to be misread and purported as hustle culture motivational fodder. But, I see the value in these words and I look forward to leaning on this in my more difficult times.