A review by kindlebabe
The Stranger Upstairs by Lisa M. Matlin


Book : The Stranger Upstairs
Author : Lisa M. Matlin
Pub Date : 26 Sep 2023

Let talk about a few things first. Firstly this cover — STUNNING! Secondly, I ate this entire book up! This entire book had me shook by the end. I sat down to read this debut book by Lisa M. Matlin and never put it down until the very end.

This fast paced gripping page turner takes you on a wild ride with the main character. I finished the book and just sat in silence taking it all in. Every single time I thought the story had got worse—it got even worse and made me question everything I had thought before that point. Every single time I thought Sarah (the main character) couldn’t get more deranged, we are thrown down another loop. THE TWISTS I’m telling you.

The character development and world building in this book was perfection. I felt like at times I could absolutely relate to the character(s) and the plot was there and more, the ending was incredible. The ending felt more like a cliffhanger & I cannot wait to find out if we get to continue the Black Wood House saga with Lisa’s next book.

This book is an absolute MUST READ! If you love fast paced page turners, suspense, thrillers and a wild adventure — pop a squat, hold on tight and be prepared for the best ride of your life.

A huge thank you to NetGalley and Penguin
Random House for allowing me to provide my honest feedback of 'The Stranger Upstairs’.