A review by macindog
The Fallen Blade: Act One of the Assassini by Jon Courtenay Grimwood


Set in an alternate, early 15th-century Venice we enter a world rife with assassins, back-stabbing Machiavellian politics, pirates and of course werewolves, witches and vampires.
It's certainly a twist on the usual horror theme and the assassin theme reminded me a bit of The Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks although this has a truer historical feel to it.
The hero/anti-hero here is Tycho. Certainly a vampire, possibly a Fallen Angel, and in training to be the next Duke's Blade or chief assassin to the Venetian Court.
It's an enjoyable read where the author imparts a gritty vision of his alternate, medieval Venice and mixes in a goodly dose of horror. That said, the storytelling is a bit convoluted and I get lost a few times. Worth reading if you fancy a new take on the vampire/werewolf theme.