A review by theresidentbookworm
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow #4 by Natacha Bustos, Mariko Tamaki


My Thoughts On: Willow #4

1. I'm obsessed with Jen Bartel's cover! I just love the image of Willow being enveloped by branches in the forest.

2. "I've always been a girl with a dangling thread. A broken shoelace tied into a lopsided knot. Not quite together. A little undone." What a lovely metaphor for being an outcast from the great Mariko Tamaki!

3. "When I was little, being a loose thread sucked. But then I met Xander, and he was a oose thread too, and it didn't really matter. I guess for the longest time I thought I'd found my people and I didn't need to find anyone else." It's okay, I didn't need my heart.

4. "It's like this place is the opposite of high school. Everyone is just... nice. Is this what adulthood is like?" Oh, Willow... No.

5. Do a shot for a mention of Rupert Giles and how he taught Willow about magic and just for how much I miss him right now.

6. "I'm good with words but mostly on paper. Out of my mouth they're fish hooks. Which is why for three months before I asked Rose out I sent her love notes and text messages. The poets were right to keep things in ink. She knew what I meant, right?" What a mood, Willow. What a mood.

7. Ha! I knew something was wrong here. I knew it!
Why can't this girl leave? Or contact her family? Is this witch town drawing power from young, unsuspecting girls?

8. Yes, Willow, this is exactly the time you call Buffy! Call your friends!

9. I am always here for witch discourse on witchy movies. Are they supposed to dissing The Craft? Or maybe Practical Magic? Can someone call Mariko Tamaki and ask?
