A review by thebookboy
A Game of Hide and Seek by Elizabeth Taylor


A strange, melancholy sort of book that explores the enduring power of a first love and what this means for the people involved.

In many ways this should have been a favourite - I love stories like these and I think Elizabeth Taylor is a truly fantastic writer, capable of crafting such beautifully evocative images that she's almost a painter of words. A good example is found on the first page of this book - the children running through fields of pollen-laden flowers in their quest to play hide and seek - absolutely gorgeous.

However, I felt about halfway through that this novel took a bit of a downturn and became less engaging. It certainly wasn't bad by any means, but I found myself a bit disconnected from the plot and my thoughts meandering, a shame as I found the first half intoxicating.

I'll still read more Taylor in the future, but this definitely wasn't a favourite.