A review by zlibrarian
The Perfect Escort by Lynda Belle


The stage is nicely set for this brief novella. The heroine is likeable and relatable. An American computer programmer experiencing fish-out-0f-water feelings in the intriguing setting of Sydney, Australia, she is aware of her own conflicted feelings about the lack of male romantic company in her expat life. The hero's personality is as opaque as his escorting job requires him to be, although author Belle drops intriguing hints: a cowboy past and the possibility of a rural upbringing. Both of them seem like hard-working, practical people that desire less predictable lives, which is intriguing and adds to the sexual tension. Unfortunately, in its ARC form this novella doesn't feel ready. It is weakened by numerous instances of awkward sentence constructions. The pace and mood are also interrupted by word usage that, while not usually incorrect, makes phrases unclear and jarring, breaking the mood. As this is part of a projected series, one can hope that the next installment will have been as tightly edited as this engaging story deserves to be. Not sure whom to recommend it to in its present form.