A review by allymute
Boys I Know by Anna Gracia


I’m grateful to Netgalley and Peachtree Teen for a pre-published copy!

I really appreciate that June, the protagonist, was given the space to be messy. We don’t get to see teen girls just make mistakes. We all make them! Witnessing June navigate racist and sexist social/romantic dynamics is cringe but relatable in regards to what teen girls feel they feel obligated to put up with. I just wish there was a little more character development regarding June’s friendships and platonic relationships. I know the novel’s focal point is romance, but I had a difficult time emotionally connecting to how these friendships are sustained. The ending felt a little abrupt, but I get that June gets to the decision she needs to make. The messiness and relatability of June make her a satisfying character to witness grow, and probably many young girls will find something cathartic about her as well.