A review by greyetal
The Murmur of Bees by Sofía Segovia


The grandmother of a family in a small Mexican town gets up from her rocking chair & disappears one day, only to return with a baby boy with a cleft lip who's been abandoned by his family but seemingly adopted by bees - they swarm him but do not hurt him. The old woman's relatives adopt him for real & raise him as their own. He knows things - where people are, when his adopted mom is pregnant, when there's danger & he's needed. When his young brother is born, they share a bond like none other.⁣

This book had such promise, but I was bored. It moved too slowly for me, especially the end that was beautiful & impactful but still I was like GET. TO. THE. POINT. I just can't get into a book that takes too long.

If you like a slower roll & do pick this one up, I'd say go with audio - the two actors & their accents were wonderful.