A review by jscarpa14
Todhunter Moon, Book Two: Sandrider by Angie Sage


So one of the things I keep wondering is why exactly does Todd sleep in the apprentice's dorm when Septimus got to sleep in the Extraordinary Wizard's Apprentice room at the top of the wizard tower? It can't be a boy girl thing because Marcia wasn't a guy when Septimus slept there.

While the book was definitely exciting, I just didn't get into this one nearly as much as the first book in this trilogy or as much as I did the series prior. I think a lot of that was the amount of time we spent in the point of view of the little desert girl who was simply obnoxious. I thought Merrin Meredith was bad in the Septimus Heap series but this little girl makes him seem pleasant. The worst part of it is is that Merrin was trying to be awful with this child it was just her natural personality. I also found the twin to be quite irritating in this book as well. Their jealousy doesn't become them and while they've never been perfect characters I liked them better in the first novel than I did this one.

Additionally I would have liked to have seen more interaction with the pathfinder village since that is where this story began, even a cameo would have been nice compared to having just relocated that main Pathfinder characters to the castle. The darker paths Sage has taken the Wendron witches and Marissa on weren't all the appealing to me either, nor was the hint of the possibility that there might at one time have been a moment between Septimus and Marissa. He's so above her it isn't even funny and I hate the thought of him slumming that way.

The one thing I really did admire was the development in Jim Knee's character. He was always kind of annoying in the previous series, but in this one he's a lot more human, caring, and interesting. I really love where his character is going and who his character is becoming with his interactions with Todd.

Overall the new installment was okay, but not one of my favorites.