A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
The Dragon's Wing by Tate James


I should have read this series before the more emotional focussed ones. I enjoy this series, don't get me wrong. The characters are amazing, the plot is cool, there is constantly something going on, but I miss the emotional depth a little, although I kind of hope that it might still come in future books. The series has however found me at the perfect time. I have an intense week, with loads of hospital checks, maybe it's a good things those books don't make me cry.

Although the main plot that started in the first book comes a little to a stand still in this one, I did enjoy the revelations and the action we did get to see. Mostly because even though the main characters are not moving forward a lot, we do gather a lot of useful information that will certainly come into play later. I was however quite glad for the dream our girl had in the first part of the book. I really missed my dose of Wesley!

What I love about this book is that it makes sure there are always things left to discover. I can imagine that some readers would like their answers and solutions a little faster, but I quite enjoy getting the time to absorb the new information, the stories we hear from the guys. I quite enjoy not being bombarded with information and one action scene after the other. I even enjoyed that the amount of sex scenes wasn't too overwhelming.

I still think that we didn't get the chance yet to really get to know the guys. I'm not sure if it's because there is so much going on that there is not that much time for deep and lengthy conversation or if it's just because James tells their stories quite briefly. I don't like long info dumps, but I miss the true emotions in the backstories so far. However, I'm still very much in love with Wesley and can't wait to pick up the next book!