A review by jessie_cobb
Atalanta by Jennifer Saint


Left to die on a hillside by a father wanting a male heir, baby Atalanta is taken in by a mother bear and her cubs, and then eventually something even more wild - the goddess of the hunt herself.

Raised by Artemis and her crew, Atalanta becomes a formidable warrior and hunter while witnessing the violence brought by the men and gods who enter the forest in search of slower nymphs.

But one day Artemis brings Atalanta a new challenge: to leave the sacred grove and join Jason and the Argonauts on a grand journey to obtain the Golden Fleece. Now the champion of Artemis, Atalanta must join ranks with the men she’s come to distrust and discover who she is beyond the forest.

This is the third book I’ve read by this author, and I just don’t think her writing style is for me. I understand there is a lot to fit into these books because many characters in Greek mythology play a part in multiple tales, but I just always feel like we’re rushing through the story and not slowing down enough to get a closer examination of characters and moments.

If you like Greek mythology, you may enjoy this, or could leave feeling how I did - wanting more depth. If you’re wanting something a little less flat to get your Greek mythology fix, I’d suggest checking out the works of Madeline Miller or Pat Barker.