A review by julinino19
Monstrilio by Gerardo Sámano Córdova


This wasn't at all what I expected. I had convinced myself this was a horror novel, but when I went back and read the synopsis, it says this is literary horror. Meaning, this isn't what most of us picture when we think "horror."
I could even argue that this novel fits more with books I've read in the past that are tagged as "magical realism," but none of this really matters.
Regardless of my expectations, I ended up enjoying this book for what it was.

So, what was this book about?

Monstrilio is an intimate look at four main characters, at the lives they have lived—sometimes apart, but never disconnected. A little monster is created and he becomes something more, something that unites all of them.
For they all love this creature, and they collectively raise and protect their little Monstrilio—despite what his nature demands of him.

I don't wanna say more because I think it's best going into this one with as little detail as possible. The synopsis gave the perfect amount of information, IMO.

Just know that this isn't going to deliver what you get from your average horror novel, this is its own thing. There is some body horror/blood/gore (so trigger warning for that), but it's so minuscule in relation to the novel as a whole.

The writing was fantastic. Córdova created an atmosphere that was downright perfect.

There's not much else to say other than this was so unique; an impressive debut.

My only qualm...

I wanted more. This was slow-moving. It felt as if I was constantly reminding myself to be patient— that what I desired from this book would eventually come along and quench my thirst.
I didn't really find that satisfaction, not completely anyway. I was content with my reading experience, but a little underwhelmed when I reached the end.

Thanks so much to NetGalley and Zando Projects for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.