A review by tomasthanes
A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab


I almost think that I like this second book in the Shades of Magic series better than the first.

The first book was a bit tentative. This book was more like Lila Bard. It was going for it, looking for trouble, not letting itself be limited by what people around it thought.

Lila and Kell were both wandering, distant, at the beginning and the author took a fair amount of time to get them back together (not time wasted).

Meanwhile, the Essen Tasch was like a magnetic beacon, summoning everyone important to itself. Early on, there was some resonance of this magical tournament with the Triwizard tournament from the fourth Harry Potter novel, but they have as much in common as the World Series and Quidditch Cup.

Meanwhile, swirling around in the foggy alleys of the plot is White London, its new king, and his messenger, Ojka. They neatly setup the third book in the series which I'm looking forward to.