A review by aguiarbibs
Pet Sematary by Stephen King


it starts off slow and it feels aimless (?) but then the cat happens and you start getting an idea but you still have no clue. basically this book grips you and folds you into the story in a crescendo.
it felt real, it was creepy and it was heartbreaking.
Stephen King calls this his scariest novel and I understand why.
the lunacy really shows through and even you start to feel the grief and your mind slipping away and wandering and reaching weird places.
the stumbling, the falling, the weird ramblings, it all added to a scary creepy atmosphere that had you gripped particularly in the last 200 pages.
(wish i hadn't read the last part at night but i couldn't stop)

Spoiler i loved Louis and Jud and Ellie and Gage and i only realised that when it was too late - was that purposeful from King or a coincidence? was it an effort from King to discuss how you often realise you loved people more than you thought when they're gone?