A review by ellelainey
The Midnight Gardener by R.G. Thomas


Book – The Midnight Gardener (The Town of Superstition #1)
Author – R.G. Thomas
Star rating - ★★★★★
No. of Pages – 123

Cover – Lovely!
POV – 3rd person POV
Would I read it again – Yes.

Genre – Young Adult, Paranormal, LGBT, Magic

Reviewed for Divine Magazine

I'm a big lover of young adult, supernatural stories and the minute I read the blurb for this one, I was desperate to read it. It didn't disappoint.

Thaddeus is like any other teenager his age – a little awkward, unsure, moody and sure that he'll be fine, because he's older now and smarter for it. The trouble that he got into in the story was always believable, realistic and intriguing.

From page one, I wanted to know who the mysterious midnight gardener might be and what he might be. I wanted to know what creature was stalking Thaddeus from the woods and just why there was a feeling of something being different about him, though I didn't know what.

About halfway through, I got all the answers I could want. They weren't thrown at me, but handed over gently, a little at a time, as Thaddeus and I learned the truth at the same time. The way the magic was revealed was gentle and considering – nothing being thrown in just for the sake of making it more interesting. Everything had it's place, it's meaning and it's use. While Thaddeus and I sat back and tried to put the pieces together, things began unravelling and it felt like a real journey.

Like I said above, it really felt like I was travelling through this story with Thaddeus, just as confused and unsure of what to believe as he was, when he was. When the few revelations were made, I'd already been set up to somewhat believe them (mostly due to Teofil's confession) and it made the thought of dragons, gnomes and witches being real that much more believeable.

Personally, I fell in love with both Thaddeus and Teofil early on. They were these sweet, narky, adorable teens that were relatable, but also very much like the teens I remember from high school. Each a little bit weird, a little guarded, a little unsure and yet drawn to each other in a way they couldn't explain. The chemistry between them was sweet and perfect, from the start. Never over stated, limited often to just a look or a blush, their romance had more of an effect on me and was more natural than some adult romances I've read.


This is an exceptional young adult novel, full of intrigue and mystery, with enough of a dash of romance to keep you smiling. I can't wait to read the next book and find out what happens next.


Favourite Quote

“You taste like magic,”