A review by gregzimmerman
Biography of X by Catherine Lacey


Aside from being a skillfully rendered and truly original book, this novel I think has a higher purpose: Everyone should carry it around, and when some dummy says something dumb like "I just don't get art," hand them a copy and make them read it.

Here's what art is, according to this novel:

Art is performative.
Art is cruel.
Art is flawed.
Art is beautiful.
Art is torture.
Art is timeless.
Art is whim-based.
Art is transactional.
Art is everything.

Making art is about making choices. A life dedicated to art means making MILLIONS of choices. Not every choice will be successful. Not even MOST choices will be successful.

Catherine Lacey definitely made enough successful choices though to create a truly unique piece of art with this novel. It's novel that explores the nature of art, the purpose of art, how art is made, the effects of making art, and how art is judged.

Worthy of all its accolades, if, like all good art, flawed, as well. Still, you likely haven't read anything quite like this. Quite a ride.