A review by kaydanielsromance
Burn it Down by Julia Wolf


I have been waiting and wanting Gabe's story since book one, so Julia had a lot of expectations to fill up my heart and soul...Expectations met and I LOVED EVERY MOMENT!!

Gabe is known as the comic relief, the class clown, and definitely a player. Is it wrong to say I was super excited to finally find out why Gabe is the way he is. (rubbing my hands with super villain glee)

I was happy to find that Gabe is the same funny, sarcastic, over-the-top boy I've loved since book one. His charismatic charm wormed his way right into my heart from the very beginning and his loyalty to not only his friends, but those who became a part of that inner circle is what truly solidified my love for the boy. He's pretty darn perfect, if only he could have been truthful and not let his pride get in the way, then playboy Gabe wouldn't have hatched, but to everything there is a reason and it doesn't take long into the book to get a small taste of what that reason entails.

Penelope is a casualty of Gabe's Freshman year. Penelope has a ton of faith and trust in people, until she gets hurt, then it's all bets off and she doesn't allow for second chances, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me go back to Freshman year when it all began and Penelope was a wide eyed girl completely in love with a boy from the wrong side of town. She didn't care where he lived or how much money his parents made, Penelope was just totally enamored of Gabe himself. We don't find out why Gabe throws it all away until much later in the book, but breaking Penelope's heart freshman year is the catalyst for the entire story going forward.

Julia is so good at weaving a story from this small thread and eventually displaying the entire blanket by story's end. Each chapter gives a little more, sewing and knitting pieces, until each puzzle is put into place and that A-HA! moment finally connects.

As much as I wanted Penelope to forgive Gabe right out of the gate, there was a lot of ground work to cover and it's great to see how obsessive Gabriel is in trying to win her back. There was always this feeling that he had ADD or compulsive issues in the other books, but to really see the man in action is completely endearing and honestly I'd love a little obsession from a man like Gabe any day.

Everyone of the main characters, from family to friends, is perfectly placed and written. Burn It Down is another great addition to this overall series and Gabe is still one of my favorite characters overall. I've loved to see this story arc grow with each book and I can hardly wait to see what's coming up next.