A review by ashleynichole
Once A Princess by Ashley Poston


*I received a copy of this e-novella from Quirk Books as part of the Bookish and the Beast Paperback Preorder Campaign*

This novella highlights on of the things I love about Poston's writing style and why I really liked Jessica Stone as a character. In this Jessica's thoughts start spiraling with worries about her girlfriend not arriving for a visit and then worries about asking her to move in with her. Jessica's rational inner voice then has to stop this train of thought and remind herself why this isn't the thought path she should be going down. As someone who struggles with thought spirals and has to have similar conversations with herself I appreciated how realistic and relatable this moment made Jessica feel.

Overall, this is a cute happily-ever after epilogue of sorts that doesn't do much to extend the Princess and the Fan Girl story outside of reassuring readers that Jessica and friends are happy and doing what they set out to do at the end of the book. It's a cute read, but not at all mandatory to read in order to enjoy the series overall.