A review by belatedkafei
New Tokyo by Marc Foxx


"New Tokyo" by Marc Foxx is a science-fiction novel that had me scratching my head more than a flea-ridden dog. The premise of the book is exciting, but the execution is about as smooth as sandpaper underpants.

Foxx's poor grammar and syntax is about as enjoyable as a root canal performed by a chimpanzee. The writing is choppy and disjointed, making it hard to follow the plot, and I often found myself wondering if the author's proofreader was on vacation in the Andromeda Galaxy.

It's evident that "New Tokyo" is Foxx's first book, as the plot is about as convoluted as a plate of spaghetti left out in the sun. The characters are as deep as a puddle and as well-developed as a Polaroid photo that's been sitting in a drawer for thirty years. The world-building is also inconsistent, leaving me with more questions than answers.

To add insult to injury, the sexism in the book is about as subtle as a sledgehammer to the face. Female characters are often reduced to nothing more than plot devices or eye candy, which is about as progressive as a cave painting.

In conclusion, "New Tokyo" by Marc Foxx is a disappointment. The poor grammar and syntax, convoluted plot, and sexism make it hard to recommend this book. I suggest readers look elsewhere for a more engaging and thoughtful science-fiction story.