A review by rebelkat
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe

Did not finish book. Stopped at 60%.
Listen I made it a bit over halfway, I really did try. 
I was excited going in: new journalism, Ken Kesey and his cult The Merry Pranksters, 60s counterculture, pages filled with cameos ranging from hunter s thompson to allen ginsburg. But it sucks. They’re all incoherent and sound like every other person sounds on acid.  The entire book was nonsense, Kesey yelling he could “hear blue” and  ::: vibrations :: or Kesey preaching woo-woo, life-path guidance and cryptic attempts at sacred wisdom; just a long and messy melange of cherry-picked and oversimplified concepts popularized by different branches of pseudosciences which he paired with (the grossly appropriated) facets of several  eastern religions UGH