A review by librarianinthewoods
Calm: Calm the Mind. Change the World by Michael Acton Smith


This is not a serious book on meditation and mindfulness. You are not reading Alan Watts or Thich Nhat Hanh or Jack Kornfield. However this is a simple and beautifully illustrated book that I received as a gift that is enjoyable to pick up. I did read it from cover to cover, however it can be enjoyed jumping around sections which are divided by the following subjects - nature, sleep, travel, relationships, work, children, creativity and food. It’s a nice companion, and some say an advertisement, for the Calm app that I’ve used for a couple years now. Simple meditations are sprinkled throughout and ideas for activities to find calm. Lots of these books I’ve picked up are disappointments but this was nice and I can see myself regularly flipping through it in the moment. There’s nothing revolutionary or new but reminders to do things we are know are good for us to be more mindful, more present, more centered. Sometimes it’s the simplest of things like putting down your phone, taking a walk, swimming in the ocean, writing a letter......