A review by mina_blakeney
Immortal Loves by JayLynn Watkins, Ashlyn Grey, Marc Tizura, Rashmi P. Menon, Jeanette Rose, Rainbow Brubaker, Natalie Bartley, Peter Farmer, Amber Albright, Dan Dolan, Aisling MacKay, Jason Elmassian, Kelsey Anne Lovelady, Alice Callisto, Jennifer Morton, Melissa Stoddart, Moxie Malone, C.J. Landry, D.M. White, Georgia Moody, Renee Christian, Nikki Crump-Hansted, Teresa Watson


Thank the publisher and NetGalley for this eArc.

A quircky set of stories! What if Greek gods lived now, among us? Cute stories about different couples and their exploitation of both word they are now a part of and gods around them. Urban fantasy romance is what you can expect, fast and interesting read.
However, book also struggles with emotion, for a romance I definitely wasn’t engaged or invested into these characters. I was really hoping for more.