A review by shanayaareads
The Deal Dilemma by Meagan Brandy


More like 3.5.
This book started off well but somewhere down the line it kinda lost the plot and became annoying? Davis is quite literally one of the most dense heroines I’ve read in a minute, especially when her brother came back in the picture. He oozed red flags and bad vibes and she was too busy pooping unicorns and rainbows over him to realize.
Then it deviated into some gang-ish story with a street/underground fighting thing? I don’t know. I went in it for a brothers best friend deflowering sitch and got wayyyyy more than I bargained for and not in a good way.
Plus, I hated that the author used the word “being” like every two seconds and in a way that just made it weird for me? I dunno, but there’s just something about that word in a sentence like; He did respond, but only with a single, four-letter word I hate, being it’s been his go-to when it comes to me since forever.”

There’s so many other way to write that sentence that doesn’t include being in it. Sorry.

I did really want to like this but I just couldn’t. I only wound up finishing it bc I’d spent so much time already reading it. (& maybe I was hoping it would’ve righted itself in the end. IMO, it didn’t.)

Merged review:

More like 3.5.
This book started off well but somewhere down the line it kinda lost the plot and became annoying? Davis is quite literally one of the most dense heroines I’ve read in a minute, especially when her brother came back in the picture. He oozed red flags and bad vibes and she was too busy pooping unicorns and rainbows over him to realize.
Then it deviated into some gang-ish story with a street/underground fighting thing? I don’t know. I went in it for a brothers best friend deflowering sitch and got wayyyyy more than I bargained for and not in a good way.
Plus, I hated that the author used the word “being” like every two seconds and in a way that just made it weird for me? I dunno, but there’s just something about that word in a sentence like; He did respond, but only with a single, four-letter word I hate, being it’s been his go-to when it comes to me since forever.”

There’s so many other way to write that sentence that doesn’t include being in it. Sorry.

I did really want to like this but I just couldn’t. I only wound up finishing it bc I’d spent so much time already reading it. (& maybe I was hoping it would’ve righted itself in the end. IMO, it didn’t.)