A review by animation
Forbidden Fling by Skye Jordan


Forbidden Fling is the first book in the Wildwood series. It's the story of a "bad" girl coming back to town to face her demons, and the town "golden" boy finally standing up for himself. When the two meet up again, chaos ensues.

The interaction between Ethan & Delany is HAAWWTT!! Even when they are just having a regular conversation, you can feel the chemistry between them leap off the pages. The secondary characters really help move this story as well. I was either laughing or wishing someone would get stabbed in the eye, and that's a good thing, because if you don't care about the supporting cast, reading the book becomes tedious. There's a LOT of history between the main characters, and their respective families. This not only threatens the relationship between Ethan and Delaney, but also the family dynamics that have been in place for years.

Ultimately, this is a love story. At the end of the day, Love always wins. I honestly cannot wait for the next book in this series and to see where the author takes this story. Great read.

ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.