A review by booksuperpower
The Death Factory by Greg Iles


The Death Factory by Greg Isles in a 2014 William Morrow Impulse publication.

This novella bridges the gap between “The Devil's Punchbowl” and “Natchez Burning”. There was a long gap between the novels and “Punchbowl” ended with a cliffhanger. So, this novella brings the reader up to date before diving into “Natchez Burning”, and it reminds us of Penn's past, and events that shaped him into the man he has become.

As “Punchbowl” ended, Penn had just become engaged to his long time girlfriend, but before he could tell his family the news, he receives word his father has had a heart attack, and the prognosis is bleak.

As Penn is summoned to the hospital he is told his father must speak to him alone because there is something he must tell him before he dies. However, once the opportunity presents itself, he backs out, leaving Penn to wonder what great burden his father had been about to unload.
Instead, Penn touches base once more his uncle, and begins to recall a case he was involved in right on the cusp of his wife's final stages of cancer, the outcome of which still haunts him and was the precursor to his move to Natchez.

Once you have been brought up to date a little, the story abruptly ends, but there is a sneak peak into the “Natchez Burning” , a book you do not want to miss. While reading this novella is not necessary for you to enjoy “Natchez”, I still recommend it, because frankly, I did not recall some of the vivid recollections of the case Penn shared with his uncle or the poignant and painful memories of his wife's premature death. So the story was a little dark and somewhat emotional and maybe a little uncomfortable. Greg Isles certainly knows how to draw a person into his world which is always interesting, conflicted and often dangerous. 4 stars