A review by literaryk
Things We Couldn't Say by Jay Coles


This was such a great, authentic read. Coles' voice portrays a high schooler just trying make it through perfectly. His characters are well developed without taking away from the plot. His characters are so real and never fall into typical patterns or stereotypes. I was especially pleased that a character who was part of a gang and dealing wasn't made out to be a dick or villain, but was actually portrayed as the human they were. Gio also mentions going to therapy, crying, and using strategies to help handle big emotions. I really loved seeing that in a YA book since it's still rarely talked about.
I also really appreciated how he touched base with some of the racist experiences one can have has a POC, one of which is rarely talked about. Seeing Gio deal with his language arts teacher reminded me to be mindful and open as a teacher--we may be the adults in the room, but when it comes to social issues and commentary, our word should not just be taken without challenge.
Because of a brief sex scene, this book may be better suited for the high school level. However, I feel that this is an important book for anyone who may be questioning their sexuality or dealing with trauma.