A review by booklife4life
Fangs for Freaks by Serena Robar


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Basic Info

Pages/Length: 239pgs
Genre: Young Adult; Vampire
Reason For Reading: Challenge

At A Glance

Love Triangle/Insta Love/Obsession?:
Cliff Hanger: No
Triggers: n/a
Rating: 1.5 stars

Score Sheet
All out of ten

Cover: 7
Plot: 4
Characters: 0
World Building: 5
Flow: 4
Series Congruity: 7
Writing: 5
Ending: 2

Total: 3

In Depth

Best Part:
It's super short
Worst Part: The MC hurts me so
Thoughts Had: That ending was too quick!


Continuing the Series:
Recommending: No

Short Review: RANT TIME! Yes please throw a grad A 3yr old tantrum after finally having sex with the guy. Are you kidding me?! First you spend all of book 1 complaining about it, then most of this book you were going against everything he told you and left him standard in another state! And for some reason he still wants to have sex with you and that's how you freaking act afterwards. Bitch get the freak out! You are a freaking child if you want to act like this. Ugh.


Book Boyfriend: Thomas
Best Friend Material: Piper!

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