A review by kbaiseri
Tilt by Ellen Hopkins


Like Ellen Hopkins other novels, all of the different character's stories are related in one way or another. The book is a spinoff from her adult novel, Triangles, although this novel is focused on adult's children. The ages range, whether it be Mikayla who thinks she's in love with her boyfriend, or Shane who's gay and has a hard time fitting in at home and at school, but finds himself falling head over heels for a boy he meets online. There are other characters in the novel and all struggle with the things that come attached to love - heartache, joy, expectation, etc. If one thing is for sure, love tilts all their lives drastically, each in different ways.
I really enjoyed this novel, although not quite as much as Hopkins' other novels. Not to say this one wasn't good, I just found that the stories are all too similar for my taste. I didn't like that it was a spin off from Triangles either as the children's stories didn't broaden much from what I'd already read in Triangles. Either way, tough real life subjects, although this one is softer than her other novels.