A review by scorpstar77
Don't Hex with Texas by Shanna Swendson


Okay, I'm pleading with you all - if you know anyone who likes well-written chick lit and Harry Potter, PLEASE buy them all 4 books in this series for the holidays. They are so great, so much fun, and I just read on the author's website that she has the 5th one almost finished, but the 3rd and 4th books haven't sold well enough yet for her publisher to promise publishing it.

This book starts off with our heroine, Katie, back home in Texas. She made the decision to leave New York, though that is where her heart is, so as not to distract her almost-boyfriend, who is the primary fighter for the good guys in a brewing magical war. Unfortunately, she can't seem to leave the magical world behind, even in her tiny hometown in Texas. A magical crime spree starts, but Katie's the only one in town who realizes it's magical. She calls her old company back in New York to alert them, and several of her pals end up in Texas, including Owen (who pretends to be her boyfriend for the sake of her family not being suspicious), and eventually Idris even shows up. Magical hijinks ensue, and Katie finds out even MORE of her family has magical connections. SO MUCH FUN.