A review by seshathawk
Chain Reaction by Zoe Archer


After months and months of searching for something in the vein of "military sf romance," I finally hit closer to the target than ever...but still not exactly what I'm looking for.

So let's start with this. I found this via the SBTB sales page and bought it immediately because I had a long weekend vacation during which I would be mostly holed up in a hotel room. It's a romance between a male tech and a female pilot. In space. It sounded like exactly what I was looking for!

I really liked this book. Tentatively will give it 3.5 stars. It was sweet and funny and the romance felt believable. I liked both of the main characters and liked their (eventual) frank acknowledgment of the attraction between them. I hate it when characters try to ignore their feelings, both to each other and themselves.

Most of the problems I had with this book were differences between my expectations and how the book actually turned out, which I don't hold against the book itself. I sort of wanted the hero to be more of a beta hero and was disappointed that he was still buff, "masculine," a little on the protective side, and good in a fight. They have a couple of sexy interactions but only actually have sex once. (This was true of the other military sf romance I read by Linnea Sinclair. Why are there multiple sex scenes in historicals and contemporaries but not sf?) The hero had been carrying on a crush on the heroine from afar for (two?) years for what seemed to me like vague reasons.

Despite all of that, I liked it a lot, and would read more by the author, and/or more in this series. I've skipped the first book, but I'm hoping she writes more. Definitely liked it better than the Linnea Sinclair I read last year; this one had a really good balance between plot and romance.