A review by kittyfoil
Daughter of Prophecy by Anne Kelleher Bush


I had a lot of feelings about this book, but I think the ending was what convinced me to give the book 4 stars. This book is set in America, but it is future America. This isn't immediately apparent when you start the book because this America, but what if it was like the Dark Ages in Europe and no one remembered when America was... America? So this book is alt-history, but one of the things that really irked me about the book was the fact that words like "senator" and "mayor" became "senador" and "mayher" respectively. I understand why the choice was made: to indicate that the ideals of America are half-remembered like if someone described how it worked through a telephone with a bad connection, but it makes for a cumbersome reading experience. I had to restart this book three times before I got past it. I really like when authors take the magic is really advanced science approach , which really meshed with the world-building. I really appreciated the plot. People who you think are the good guys turn out to be not so good. People who you think are the bad guys, may have a point. There are twists. So many twists, but I won't spoil them. One last thing, I wish this weren't the cover art. It feels extremely misleading. The cover says high fantasy, but it is really a dystopia with high fantasy overtones. I feel like the cover should be grittier, because this is a gritty story.