A review by musicalbibliophile
City of Fae by Pippa DaCosta


Original Review at Musical Bibliolater

Rating: 3 out of 5

Recommended for: Fae, Urban Fantasy lovers

From the moment Alina touches Sovereign, London's hottest fae superstar, her life takes a significant turn for the worst. Her seemingly normal life becomes a complicated series of twist and turns that leaves her vulnerable to the fae.
In London, there is an underground city were the fae High Queen plots to free herself from her prison and take over the city. Creating allies in high places, waiting for her time to come, the Queen must get rid of the four ancient keepers powerful enough to keep the queen in her prison. Three are dead and one remains but the queen faces one problem-- Alina. Fighting to keep the city of London free from the queen's tyranny, Alina must sacrifice herself and everything she's come to know.

This New Adult urban fantasy has action, suspense, and a forbidden and deadly romance that will delight some readers, however; City of Fae fell a little flat for me. I can't really put my finger on it but sometimes a book is missing something. When a book falls into the meh or so-so category it's hard to review without sounding ambivalent. City of Fae had some very good and really interesting parts however I couldn't connect or become absorbed in the story.

All of the characters were on the surface, engaging and unique, but I couldn't get a grasp on them. Alina at first really annoyed me. She was reckless and always asking questions. She literally put herself in danger and there was no real reason why. I started to get a bit frustrated with her and her motivations. For the first half of the book I didn't really like any of the characters a lot but eventually they started to grow on me. However, I still can't say that I like Alina as a character but by the end of this book I definitely respected her.

This book was kind of stagnant with a flimsy plot line. At least that was how I saw it until half way through, then I was completely side line by a crazy amazing plot twist that saved this book for me. City of Fae has a really unique take on the Fae/Faeries subject. The world that Pippa DaCosta created is quite interesting. I loved how she portrayed the queen even though it exacerbated my fear of spiders. The underground world and the developing story after the plot twist was engaging, dark, and suspenseful.

All in all, City of Fae was so-so. The first half of the book and the main character didn't really do it for me. However, the second half of the book caught me off guard and it lead to a suspenseful, unique, and interesting story that promises to surprise and delight some readers.

Until the next review,
See Ya!!!!!