A review by swalker523
The Myth of the American Dream: Reflections on Affluence, Autonomy, Safety, and Power by D.L. Mayfield


This book asks hard questions and doesn't necessarily give answers; which is exactly as it should be.

In recent years the lines between what is "Christian" and what is "American" have become blurred; resulting in a religious culture that seems more interested in amassing power for itself than in caring for its neighbors. Through the style of thought-provoking essays, D.L. Mayfield calls us to question American values that the Church has embraced as her own. It humanizes those that we've pushed into the margins. It calls us to examine our motives as we make choices about where we live, socialize, and seek entertainment.

One would assume that a book about such a heavy topic would be a hard read. It is not. This is a book that can be consumed while curled under a blanket on a cold rainy day. When put down in order to deal with other responsibilities, the book calls the reader back. I *highly* recommend it to anyone who has questions about America's unique version of Christianity.