A review by neurodivengeance
Brooklyn, Burning by Steve Brezenoff


Ehhhh. This was fine but I didn't connect with any of the characters at all. Even when the issues overlapped with stuff I've experienced - abusive parent, homelessness, addiction, doomed love - I couldn't find it in myself to care. That's really rare - I have BPD for christ's sake. I have to conclude that this means the character development was lacking. They all felt flat to me - everyone seemed to basically have one character trait (except for Felix, who had an addiction instead of a character trait). Like, the book was fine, I finished it and it was an easy read, but I feel like it didn't give me much of anything. Also, whenever Kid's desire for others' bodies was described, there was always a mention of those bodies being slender - and one of the antagonists was personified as having a 'fat' face (none of the characters we were meant to be rooting for were described as anything other than thin so this felt deliberate). That pissed me right off.